Our Impact

Our Impact


Healthy Start to the Day

Having access to good nutrition is an essential part of healthy development and growth. According to the Breakfast Clubs of Canada*, 1 in 5 Canadian children is at risk of starting the school day on an empty stomach due to a lack of access to nutritious food. That doesn’t even take into account the kids who don’t eat because they don’t feel hungry or don’t have time. In total, nearly 1 million Canadian children are at risk of getting nothing to eat before the go to school in the morning. That’s enough to fill 20, 833 buses.

bgc Riverview believes that healthy nutrition should be incorporated into as many facets of programming as possible. Through our programming, we aim to ensure that children and youth not only have access to healthy food, but education about healthy eating.

* bgc Riverview is funded by the Breakfast Clubs of Canada

Academic Enrichment

bgc Riverview recognizes that every child is different and can benefit from exploring a variety of learning styles. We understand the importance of keeping youth stimulated and therefore motivated to explore continuous learning opportunities. We aim to support young people in strengthening and developing new skills, abilities and enhancing career readiness. Scholastic success looks different for different children and youth and it is important to meet them at their level and facilitate learning opportunities in the most accessible way possible. We help them identify barriers, set and meet goals and celebrate accomplishments.

We offer assistance in completing homework, exploring the use of personal hobbies as potential career opportunities, post secondary education options, and ensuring children and youth have the confidence to create and commit to a plan to reach their highest aspirations.

Work Experience

We offer an opportunity for young people to get practical workplace experience, both through leadership roles within the Club and through student grant opportunities. We hire summer students and take in placement students in our youth programming. We offer field experience to those looking to get into child and youth care. We also have a youth council that provides valuable leadership experience.

Community Engagement

The bgc aims to be a prominent agency in the community for providing quality programming and resources to children and youth. We strengthen our services through strong community partnerships, leveraging resources to increase diversity in our programming and access to new learning opportunities and experiences.

We work with local schools, organizations and agencies to provide community service locations and special events. Children and youth need strong support networks as they progress through their developmental stages and take on new challenges. Community engagement allows us to build a larger network of support for our program members and for the Club itself.

A Place With Purpose

The bgc offers a place where children and youth can develop meaningful relationships with peers and positive adult role models. We welcome everyone in safe, accepting environments in order to have children and youth develop a strong sense of belonging.

We deliver programs that have specific goals and measurable outcomes in order to provide programs with purpose for our members. Our members engage in constructive activities that, at their core, provide opportunity for growth. Boys and Girls Clubs utilize an integrated model of age-appropriate social, recreational and academic activities that include proven strategies for building positive relationships, mentoring, conflict resolution, skill development and employment training. We occupy youth with productive activities, teach life skills, and provide an environment that builds upon their assets, gives them a sense of belonging, provides care and positive relationships. Through this approach, bgc Clubs help keep kids off the street and support them to resist peer pressure and the lure of risky or self destructive behaviour.

Empowering Youth

Our organization helps youth find and fulfill their passion. We aim to support the youth voice and give youth a platform to be heard, set goals, and make change in their community. We encourage youth to problem solve, learn about the impact of choice and offer an opportunity to have influence. We want youth to find possibility and not create limitations for themselves.